
Med’action 2024 is this weekend! 🗣🌍

❥ Join the Mediterranean Youth Council live on the Têtes de l’Art Youtube channel ( on Saturday 22 June from 6pm and Sunday 23 June from 4pm for a presentation of all the 2023-2024 actions carried out by the young members of the CMJ!

The Med’action is a citizens’ event organised each year by the Mediterranean Youth Council, which brings together over 40 young people from around the Mediterranean and aims to express and translate into concrete action the political elements of the plea drawn up by the young people.

The Mediterranean Youth Council is coordinated by Les Têtes de l’Art, funded by the Région Sud PACA and supported by CPMR – Conference of peripheral maritime regions (CIM), Regione Lazio and Fundación ACM Asamblea de Ciudadanos y Ciudadanas del Mediterráneo.




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