Artists’ support
Having regularly been approached by artists and cultural operators in an informal way, the association formalized his second department Artists’ Support in 2010. It aims is to share its resources and expertise with cultural stakeholders in Marseille and the region.
Today, managed by a team of permanent staff, the division collaboratively develops a customized path with the supported organizations and individuals in order to support the structuring and sustainability of artistic and cultural projects in the regional territory.

Custom individual meetings

Les Têtes de l’Art offers easily accessible support:
— throughout the year
— free of charge
— without selection
— tailored to the needs of each organization and artist
Specialized in the artistic and cultural field, this support is customized in terms of time, frequency, and the format of the meetings.

A drop-in session for artist-authors

Les Têtes de l’Art and Dos Mares organize La Limousine, a monthly legal, administrative, social, and fiscal drop-in session for licensed artists (artists-authors).
Our support allows you to :
Master your professional environment and understand the legal and administrative aspects of your sector
Studying of the secteur and project positioning, understanding various legal statuses and forms, administrative and legal framework of activities, structuring methods and new employment forms, institutional and partnership relations…
Develop a consolidation and development strategy for your project
Strengthen management skills for organizations or projects
Project methodology, steering practices and tools, governance, administrative management, support for the employer function, human resources management…
Benefit from an external perspective on your project and access reliable and up-to-date professional information
Connect with a network of partners and resources useful for your project and journey
This support is intended for :
— Artists
— Carriers of artistic and cultural projects
— Non-profit or profit-limited creative and cultural action structures in the Sud-PACA region.
To be supported in an individual meeting, you must first participate in an Info Session.
If the needs of the project holder or the structure align with the expertise offered by Les Têtes de l’Art, an initial meeting is scheduled, and a personalized support path is then established.
How much does it cost ?
Support is free for beneficiaries. Membership in the association is required from the second meeting or for participation in collective workshops.
Membership for one year from the date of enrollment :
15€ for an individual 50€ for a structure
Network collaboration
Les Têtes de l’Art rely on a network of local partners in the fields of culture and social and solidarity economy.
Beyond enriching support paths, this network collaboration regularly leads to joint initiatives:
Immersion cinéma
Mon projet d'entreprise Économie Sociale et Solidaire (My Social and Solidarity Economy Business Project)
Dispositif Local d'Accompagnement - DLA (Local Support System)
Les Têtes de l’Art are involved in the #I-CI Immersion-Cinema project.
As part of the project initiated by La Réplique and in partnership with the Sud Region, Telfrance, ERACM, and casting directors from the region, Les Têtes de l’Art support young people aged 16 to 19 on the path to professionalization in the fields of cinema and acting.
Learn more
Six regional organizations, including Les Têtes de l’Art, join forces to offer personalized support to entrepreneurs in the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), especially in the cultural sector, based on the stage of advancement of their projects.
This initiative, led by CRESS, offers two pathways consisting of training, individual meetings, networking with SSE network actors, and mentoring for projects in creation and development. Within this framework, Les Têtes de l’Art supports project holders in the artistic and cultural sectors.
More information and applyDEVELOPMENT PATHWAY
More information and applyCREATION PATHWAY
More information and applyDEVELOPMENT PATHWAY
More information and applyLes Têtes de l’Art is recognized as a DLA expert by CRESS PACA and can operate in all departments of the region.
Contact us
Some intervention references
DLA of 84 (2020-2021)
Redefinition of governance and operational management mode for a cultural cooperative.
DLA of 83 (2020-2021)
Rewriting the associative project of a performing arts company associated with a venue.
DLA of 83 (2017-2018)
Restructuring the governance of an association and designing a development strategy for a cultural association in Haut-Var.
We design and conduct training modules for higher education institutions and professional training organizations on the following topics:
Contact us
Cultural Action & Participatory Projects
Culture & Social and Solidarity Economy
Participatory Governance
Status and Employment Forms for Independent Creatives
key figures
individuals/structures supported each year
people participating in collective workshops and drop-in sessions